

  • Prefer ES6 classes over prototypes.
  • Use strict equality checks (===and!==) except when comparing against (nullorundefined).
  • Prefer arrow functions=>, over the function keyword except when defining classes or methods.
  • Use semicolons at the end of each statement.
  • Prefer single quotes.
  • UsePascalCase for classes, lowerCamelCase for variables and functions, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for constants, _singleLeadingUnderscore for private variables and functions.
  • Prefer template strings over string concatenation.
  • Prefer promises over callbacks.
  • Prefer array functions like map and forEach over for loops.
  • Use const for declaring variables that will never be re-assigned, and let otherwise.
  • Avoid var to declare variables.
  • Use a trailing comma after each item in a multi-line array or object literal, including the last item.

Other good practices.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""